80 Raffles Place, UOB Plaza 1, #36-01 Level 36, 048624
MVAsia Infomatrix Pte Ltd

Flir GF306

SF6 Detection and Electrical Inspections

The FLIR GF306 detects and visualizes SF6 (Sulfur Hexafluoride) and 25 other harmful gases quickly from a safe distance and without the need to interrupt your plant's production process.

SF6 is a gas used in electrical substations at electric power plants as an insulator in circuit breakers and switchgear. The gas is also used in magnesium production and semiconductor manufacturing. SF6 is harmful to the environment. It has a global warming potential 24,000 times higher than CO2 emissions - more than any other greenhouse gas. Early detection and repair of leaks is a contribution of electric power plants to protect the environment.


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