80 Raffles Place, UOB Plaza 1, #36-01 Level 36, 048624
MVAsia Infomatrix Pte Ltd


Infrared Cameras for CO Detection and Electrical Inspections

The FLIR GF346 infrared camera detects and visualizes CO (Carbon Monoxide) and 17 other harmful gases quickly from a safe distance and without the need to interrupt your plant's production process.

Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions can be a significant threat to primary steel manufacturing operations and other industries where CO emissions need to be closely watched. Even the slightest leak in a vent stack or pipe can have a devastating effect. To help ensure safety, protect the environment, and protect your investment in your infrastructure, the FLIR GF346 infrared camera enables fast detection of CO emissions.

FLIR GF346 infrared cameras can scan large areas rapidly and pinpoint leaks in real time. They are ideal for monitoring plants that are difficult to reach with contact measurement tools. Literally thousands of components can be scanned per shift without the need to interrupt the process. FLIR GF346 infrared cameras reduce repair downtime and provide verification of the process. And above all, they are exceptionally safe, allowing potentially dangerous leaks to be monitored from several meters away.


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